In Motion with Swing Catalyst

The Trondheim-based golf tech company Swing Catalyst has partnered with Utbrudd to collaborate on a long-term project. This project focuses on developing a digital strategy, enhancing customer journeys, and implementing HubSpot.
Skrevet av: Anders

Swing Catalyst is renowned worldwide among avid golfers and golf professionals. Their system is utilized by some of the best athletes in the world, and they are experiencing significant growth in both new and existing markets. 

They have been planning to digitize more aspects of their customer journey by replacing existing systems with HubSpot and integrating their own systems to establish a single source of truth. Fortunately, they sought our help.


The process includes:

  • Insights: Conducting workshops and audits with the sales, IT/tech, marketing, and service teams.
  • Strategy: Designing an optimized customer journey and mapping their existing tech stack along with all data flows.
  • Implementation: Setting up tools and building integrations between different systems.
  • Training: Providing comprehensive training in the different tools for their entire team.
  • Scaling and Optimizing: Developing more growth activities as we gather more data from the new customer journey.


Swing Catalyst is an exciting global brand with both excellent people and products, and we couldn't be more thrilled about this project. Go check them out:

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