HubSpot Breeze Intelligence: 3 Key Features You Need to Know

HubSpot's Breeze Intelligence is transforming CRM management. Having enough quality data is crucial in leveraging insights, enhancing customer interactions and driving growth. Let's dive into HubSpot's Breeze Intelligence and its key features that make connecting with leads easier and smarter.
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Data Enrichment

Breeze intelligence makes sure you have all the customer data you might need, and is capable of enriching existing records with data such as location, industry and revenue to name a few. With bulk enrichment you can even enrich a ton of records at once in an instant, making it easy to update all of your customer data. Breeze intelligence automatically updates your existing records if any changes occur, making sure all of your records are up to date with the latest available information.


Buyer intent

Finding the highest quality leads can be both difficult and time consuming. However, HubSpot has made it easier than ever before. Breeze intelligence makes it both simple and effective to create your target market, and is capable of understanding their intent. Breeze intelligence is constantly on the lookout for signs, and can:

  • Notify you when companies with the right ICP-properties visit your pricing-site
  • Automatically mark prospects as ‘high intent’
  • Differentiate between people already in your CRM and brand new prospects


Form shortening

We´ve all been there. We´re surfing the web or reading a blog post, until we´re presented with a form asking for our information. In return for providing this information, we might receive valuable insight or be rewarded a discount code. We consider it, before ultimately leaving the page due to the form being way too long or time consuming. 


Using available and up to date information, Breeze Intelligence automatically fills in long forms so that your prospects only see the necessary fields, such as an email address or a phone number. Breeze Intelligence automatically supplies you with other relevant data such as first name, last name, address, employer or role whenever available. This ensures that you never lose out on potential prospects due to boring longforms ever again.

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