Create your 2022 content planning now

You are still on time to make your content strategy a success for 2022. We listed some reasons why creating a content planning in February is definitely a good idea!
Skrevet av: Steven

Forgot to create a content planning for 2022 because January has been a busy month? Or just don’t have your content planning finalized for 2022 yet? There is all to play for! Here is why you should not give up on setting the right goals you want to achieve in 2022 with your content.


Stay relevant

Creating a content pipeline requires future planning and trying to predict which type of content is going to rank best at a certain point of time. This is not a rigid process and evolves over time. It is subject to change. No one can predict the future accurately and so you are never late with filling up your content calendar with fresh content that is going to be consumed by your target group. 

By remaining relevant with your content and hopping on the bandwagon of the most recent trends, you are able to reach your target group in the best way possible. You can do this at any point of time and it is therefore never too late to optimise your content planning. 

How do you know whether your content is still relevant? A closer look at your traffic insights and performing a keyword analysis will help to give you a better understanding of how relevant your existing content is. HubSpot has created an easy guide on how to do keyword research.

Keyword research Ahrefs
Keyword research example on Ahrefs

Focus on different channels

Have you thought about creating content for new channels such as TikTok, creating podcasts or starting with hosting webinars on your platform? This might sound as something that you are not comfortable with but it could result in targeting a new audience group. It could also result in utilising a more direct communication channel with your target group. 

A survey showed that 73% of businesses claim that a multi-channel strategy had a positive effect on their conversions. So why not add one more marketing channel to your content strategy. It is never too late to add an additional channel in order to reach your goals more effectively such as expanding your reach or gaining more conversions.


Set your goals for Q2, Q3, Q4

Although Q1 is already a couple of months in, there is more than enough time to plan your content goals for the remaining quarters of the year. Use Q1 in order to gather as much data as possible. This will help to formulate your goals in the most optimized way which will align everyone in the team to make 2022 a successful year.

A performance dashboard could be a very useful tool in order to track the progress on both quantitative and qualitative KPIs which can be interpreted by all your team members. Examples of some performance goals that you can track in these dashboards are:

  • Increase visibility
  • Develop search engine authority
  • Increase lead generation
  • Influence customer loyalty
Screenshot 2022-02-24 at 10.15.39
Google Analytics dashboard on website traffic

Perform a content audit

Is your content still up to date? Are you missing out on targeting certain keywords? Or did you always want to create a new pillar page, but never got around to it? This is your opportunity to plan ahead and put it on the agenda. Bigger projects such as checking the relevance of existing content often get deprioritised because of more urgent day-to-day processes, but are nevertheless just as important.

A content audit can help to reveal benefits and shortcomings in your content strategy. With this, you can adapt your content plan to your overall marketing goals. It is therefore key to do this every now and then and implement this in your content planning for 2022. Some tools that can help you to perform this content audit are Screaming Frog, Semrush and Ahrefs.


Next steps

Begin with setting the goals you want to achieve in 2022. While having this in mind, get your content team together and start brainstorming on what, when and how you want to publish your content. There are great tools out there that could help you to map your content across time, such as Asana, Trello or ClickUp. At Utbrudd, we use in order to plan content, track progress and create performance dashboards, but the different tools have a lot of shared functionalities.

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